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14 Questions You Might Be Afraid To Ask About Moving Companies

What are the ways of moving furniture?

If we talk about the ways of moving furniture, we touch on more than one hand and more than one topic, because the ways of moving furniture are many and very complex, let us start from the first thing is the desire to move from one house to another or from one company to another or from its original place to another place, It may seem scary because the idea of moving or isolation is related to the problems and loss of most of your possessions and others, at this stage you will need a transport company and here we have to Touched on some important points at the beginning of the desire to move from house to house to facilitate you some Something in the process of transition and one of the most important tips or points that may benefit you the following

First, when you start looking for a new home, there are some guidelines to follow

There are grounds for choosing your new home Is the way you search for him do you do it yourself through newspapers, media or media, for example, or you use a specialist broker in that area

Some things to consider in your new home that you would like to move to

First, the area of the new place: It should be an approach to the old place, because if it is smaller, you will feel some distress when stacking the luggage because you are used to a certain area to put your throne, that disturbs your mood and psyche.

Secondly the number of rooms: It is better to have the number of rooms in the old house equal to the number of rooms in the new house because if it is less then you will feel that there are extra loads narrowing you the area of the house and if the number of rooms is large it may feel that you have a large unused space in the form optimum

Third, the right http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/movers price: This point is due to the possibility of everyone in it, but when you find the right house at the right price it may save you money that you may use in the decoration, for example, or in moving furniture, for example, whatever the possibilities of each of us is always looking for the right price

Do not rush to judge a particular house

Always wait to choose the right home, it does not happen every day in your life it is possible to happen only once, so do not rush to judge a particular house from all sides

Most of the time it is preferable to participate around you in the choice of the house such as your wife and your mother and your father because looking at one person they do not catch mistakes place so it would be better if your family or someone who has experience in that matter to be with you more than one person and more than one eye can Preview

D – Protect yourself from problems

Always be aware of the previous agreements between the landlord and the neighbors so as not to get into trouble afterwards and also do not forget to take a lawyer who understands the contracts well so as not to be fooled in that trap, because the integrity of the contract is very important you pay attention to it

Second: processing and decoration

A – The first step when you start preparing to move to the new house is to clean it well, because you can not clean it completely and thoroughly when moving furniture, furniture and appliances, and especially that the first period in the transition is not all things arranged, so all you have to do is start Cleaning with simple steps Start with ceilings and cleaned well from the corners and places of dust and insects, go to the walls if it is not soft paint clean gently to remove dirt from them and the next step of course is the floor and the step close may forget most people are spraying pesticides to kill any insects Did not reach them organizational Exploited the lack of older people age in place or the last stage children are home well ventilated so you do not smell bad when transferring luggage to him

B – the second step is the decoration If you want an engineer to complete the decor of your home it takes some time, so share with your wife in the design, idea and colors and start to agree immediately with the implementation

Before starting anything at home, you must first agree on the date of delivery if you have an appointment with workers, technicians, plumbers and others.

D – you follow the workers yourself daily to ensure speed and quality and reassurance on the plumbing and places of electricity, water and others, and also in the processing of paint and decorations

Third: the process of moving furniture

Transfer of luggage which includes (furniture – electrical appliances of all kinds – antiques – Chinese – glassware – other purposes

It is known that this stage is the first cause of fear and anxiety about the process of moving furniture or transport all, because most people expect to lose their purposes or loss and the occurrence of malfunctions in their electrical devices and cracking in furniture, all these concerns may not happen from anything if Your furniture is adequately taken care of and followed the proper methods of downloading and transporting

Move furniture yourself

This happens when you start asking for help from your friends and colleagues to participate in the transfer of furniture with you because it requires a great effort you can not do on your own –

Start items that you do not use regularly such as a dining room or office, and commit to packaging each of these pieces so as not to be scratched in the process of downloading and the use of cartons and large boxes and old fabrics

Then start to download winter clothes if you are in summer for Additional resources example or vice versa, it will save you time after that –

Transporting kitchen items, for example, and children’s toys all in one day to empty a large amount of space –

In the new house you have to implement the opposite of the previous theory, where you have to start large rooms complex at the beginning and then simple purposes Valbst, and start clothes season –

You must follow the correct instructions in the process of carrying heavy furniture to consider your safety and safety.